Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Frugal Menu Planning- Breakfasts.

Breakfast is always the cheapest meal around here. We usually have the same thing depending on the day of the week, which makes it really easy for menu planning, but I also love a variety of foods in my childrens diets so I try and change it up often. I thought I would share how I do this in this post.

This is how I plan our breakfasts:

  • What are we doing that day?
I look ahead at my calender to see what we are doing that day and plan accordingly. There's nothing worse than having a mid-morning park-day and starving kids ...lol... Ask me how I know that ;P I try to plan a breakfast with protein that morning to hold them over until the park-day is over along with some snacks added into my plans.

  • What we are having for Lunch?
I plan my meals *down*, if that makes sense. I do dinners first, then lunches and finally breakfasts. I do this because dinners are always based on our availability that day (if we have to go out- crockpot, if its a heavy cleaning day etc) . Then I plan lunches based on dinner and possible leftovers. Finally breakfast is based on Lunches and whether or not we are having a good hardy lunch. If so, I will plan for something easy like cereal or oatmeal.

  • What is my diet looking like?
I am following The Lord's Table currently and the last thing I want to do to myself is plan to make pancakes on a fast day (happen to LOVE pancakes..lol)...so I look ahead to see which day I should be eating light etc and go with that. Then I am not obsessing over what my kids are eating and what I am NOT. LOL.

  • What I can use up?
Did I buy a whole bunch of bananas that were over ripe and waiting to be mixed into pancakes or banana bread? Do I have boxes upon boxes of cereal that I scored cheap with coupons? Do I have a gazillion eggs that need to be eaten? Well, you get it.

  • And finally, try to stick with the same meals all month but add variety (includes above).
I try to plan certain "types" of meals for certain days. For instance, Mondays may be cereal but they can choose from a couple if we have it. Tuesdays may be pancakes, but since I got blueberries for a good deal we'll have some blueberry pancakes.

What does your breakfast menu look like? How do you plan yours?

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"Whatever you do, whether you eat or drink, do unto the glory of God" 1 Corinthians 10:31