Sunday, April 18, 2010

One room down, a few more to go...

{picture I took of the irises on our walkway}

On Saturday, I was able to accomplish a lot in my family room with my spring cleaning and want to continue in each room of my house until I have covered them all. Nine months of pregnancy and having a newborn is just a season of my life right now, but I am not about excuses. I want my home to be comfortable and as clutter free as possible. The only way to have that accomplished it to get up and do it. So off to do it. Again.

My plans for Monday are to:

**Go through my children's clothes. I am often drowning in laundry and it's often the reason I cannot get to other things that I would like. So the plan is to only take 5-7 outfits per child and leave those out for them to wear during the week. The other clothes that they have will be sorted and divided. They will either go into a donate bin, trash/recycled rags bin, or a bin for future use in their closets (that way they are still accessible but away from the general use stuff...just makes it easier). I will also have clothes that are to be passed down in other containers put up else where, but for now, this is my plan.

**Clean my Kitchen. It wont be a super deep clean, but surface deep clean. Just like my family room, there are drawers and cabinets that need to be decluttered, but I dont have the time for that right now. That will have to wait for summer break when I can devote the time to sit down and really go through things.
                     ::Other kitchen duties today-  Make beans in the crockpot to freeze and for dinner (chili), menu plan for the week , plan a freezer cooking session soon, make yogurt and cashew butter. I also need to make some laundry detergent.

**Pull out bookshelves that need to be in the family room and decide what books will be there. Now that I have things where I need them and its deep cleaned, I ca do this. Currently, all of our schoolish books are in our school room, but I am going to move some of them into our family room 1) its easier for me to plan our weeks with the books near my computer 2) We never use the school room for "school" 3) I am going to drag out my exercise bike and Elliptical machine out of my garage and make a workout area for myself. I'm sure there are more reasons but these are what come to mind right now.

Have a great Monday and Happy Spring cleaning!


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun! My folks are coming in a week and a half. I wish I HAD time to deep clean before they come. Uugh. Hop to it, girly.


"Whatever you do, whether you eat or drink, do unto the glory of God" 1 Corinthians 10:31